My Wife Wont Dress Up or Wear Make Up

I believe it's important as a wife and mother to wear makeup and dress nicely for your husband and family.  We are all busy, and I understand that.  However, it's important for your marriage and to your husband.

For most of us our husbands work out in the world, amid dolled up women, with their hair all fancied up, nails colored and filed, dressed in their mini-skirts or revealing clothing.  This is a fact of life.  Even if they don't work arm to arm with women like this they are at least exposed to them during their commute through billboards or just women walking around.

It's a tough world we live in.

There is sex attraction everywhere.  And, unfortunately for them, most of the visual distractions are geared towards men, being highly visual creatures.

Because we are wired differently this can be hard for a wife to grasp.  Why should I go through the inconvenience of dressing up?  My husband loves me for who I am, right?  After all, he married me!

What were you like when you met?

This is true, ladies.  However, it is a good idea to remind our husband's who it is that they married.  When you were dating/courting how did you present yourself to him?  Were you wearing sweatpants all the time with your hair pulled back, un-showered, wearing flip-flops?  Were you dressed frumpy or attractively?  The majority of the time, how did you present yourself to him?

I know for me at least I always had perfume on and tried to dress quite attractively.  After all, I really liked this guy!  He was such a gentleman towards me, was a hard worker, and was quite genuine (not to mention he was quite good looking!).  I wanted him and so I wanted him to want me!  I was constantly trying to attract him.  <3

It doesn't take much!

Now, I don't mean you need to spend an hour every morning curling your hair, putting on your makeup, and answering the door when he comes home in high heels!  It honestly doesn't take much.Your husband just wants to see you trying to look nice for him. This can literally take 5 minutes a day.  Make this part of your morning routine now!

Get dressed!

You already have to get dressed in the morning.  When you do, choose something more presentable to company than your pj's.  The most important person in your life is deserving of the same courtesy as company, isn't he?

Do your hair!

You already have to brush your hair.  Instead of just throwing your hair into an automatic messy bun try alternating your hairstyles each day.  One day you can put it in a nice bun, another day wear it down, another day put it in a ponytail, etc.  Just spruce it up and spend an extra 5 minutes.  That's all.

Put on a little makeup!

Regarding your makeup, it takes me 5 minutes to do my makeup in the morning.  I wear powder, eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara; almost everyday.  When I don't it's usually because I know we are going to go swimming or I'm not feeling too well.

If you're new to makeup you can always ask someone for help.  There are Mary Kay women out there that would love to showcase their products. There are also department stores that would like to doll you up.  However, just remember to keep it simple.  Don't fall for all their multiple layers.

If you don't keep it simple you won't keep up the routine.  It's just that simple!  Stick to powder and a little bit of makeup for your eyes.  Your eyes are the most important as this feature is the most expressive of your face.

Some women like putting on lipstick as well.  I only wear a lightly colored gloss when we are going somewhere; Mass, business appointment with my husband, etc.  I just don't see it as important, but that's me!

And don't forget the earrings if you have pierced ears, and maybe a necklace.  They can be simple, nothing too extravagant.  They just help complete your look.

This isn't much extra work ladies.

Please don't underestimate how important this is for your marriage.  Just try it if you don't already do this!  If he doesn't immediately notice he will after just a few days.  Husbands don't always notice the details but they do notice the overall.

This is an ugly world we live in.  Our husbands are always being preyed upon by the media and outside world.  We may have won them over when we married them but it is our job to keep winning them over.  Taking this little extra step is something that is so important in today's visual world.

Try it and then tell me if your husband noticed!  I'd love to hear your experiences.  God bless you!

I believe it's important as a wife and mother to wear makeup and dress nicely for your husband and family.  We are all busy, and I understand that.  However, it's important for your marriage and to your husband.


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