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List of Clinton Meme's. Meme's aren't "fair", they're pithy over-simplifications of the irony at some often complex and nuanced situations. And sometimes, damn funny.

So they might not always be truth, but they hint at it, demonstrate hypocrisy and can make us laugh. From fairness in the media, to who wore it better (dress for the job you want), to various Bill scandals: Hillary is a meme-gift, with something for everyone.

Memes-Hillary : 21 items
Memes-Bill : 8 items
Memes-Dress : 12 items

If you want to find a Clinton, just follow the trail of dead bodies.

Memes-Body count : 29 items




I updated the Memes section. Life is short, why not mock it?

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Sometimes your purpose in life is to serve as a warning for others. Here are a few warnings.

George TakeiJeffrey EpsteinAOCAcostaBaghdadiBernieBidenBillColumbusComeyGretaHoggKavanaughKrugmanLincolnMaddowMaxine WatersNewsomNixonObamaOrwellPelosiRBGTrudeauTrumpWarren

Hillary Clinton

Here's a brief summary of Hillary's scandals (with links to more on each of them). This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good she's accomplished as a politicians or person (that would be a much shorter list), the intent is just to show the pattern of scandals that her detractors recognized and her proponents ignore. If you want the pro-Hillary spin just listen to her, the NYT, CNN or MSNBC, they carry her water for her.