lego tools to help to see 3d drawing

Rendered in Mecabricks

In that location are a few software for designing digital models using LEGO bricks. Even though their purpose is the same, similar all similar software, their features and interfaces are different. Today, we will take a look at some of them and endeavor to decide which is the best LEGO blueprint software.

3D modeling always fascinated me, and I even had a chance to piece of work with software like Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk 3ds Max, and Autodesk Maya in and outside of school. For those of you who are non familiar with these, let me tell you they are amongst the modeling and animation industry's finest and almost circuitous software. They occupy quite a large amount of space on the harddisk, and won't run smoothly unless your graphics menu and RAM fulfill their minimum requirements.

Luckily, none of the programs we volition await at today are quite equally circuitous. As with all software, they accept minimum requirements to run, but well-nigh computers, old and new, are capable of running them without whatsoever problems.

LDD – LEGO Digital Designer

Let's start with the big fish, shall we? The one and only official LEGO design software, LEGO Digital Designer (LDD)!

LDD gives you three dissimilar options before you get-go: LEGO Digital Designer, LEGO Mindstorms and LEGO Digital Designer Extended. The starting time i simply lets you use the physically bachelor colors. The second one has limited parts, so I'grand guessing it only uses the LEGO Mindstorms parts. And in the third, the heaven is the limit. You can utilise any colour with whatsoever part y'all like.

Being the official LEGO design software, LDD'south parts library is probably i of the near extensive ones. Fifty-fifty though the LEGO Group has announced they volition not update the software anymore, some parts accept been added to the library since. However, this all-encompassing library is besides ane of LDD's disadvantages, since it slows down the software. Once all the parts are loaded, its speed improves, only only until yous open a new document. So you have to go through the same process all again.

lego design software ldd

LDD Interface with parts being loaded

The user interface is simple and easy to get used to. All of the commands available in the software are shown on-screen and in the pull-downwardly menus – with ane of import exception: Pan view. Fortunately, there is a very informative assist file which tells y'all how to do what if yous ever get stuck.

The biggest disadvantage of the software is that the parts demand to "click" every bit y'all build. For example, if you're designing an interior space, and have a tabular array with tile finishes, you can't put anything on top of it, because there are no studs to click onto. While it may not seem that big, it creates certain limits.

All in all, LDD is a slap-up software for beginners – and for those with patience.


According to the LDraw website, the LEGO design software chosen LDraw is no longer featured. Plain it was a DOS based program, and didn't have a graphical user interface, which made information technology hard to employ. However, it offers a vast library, over vii,400 LEGO parts, and can be integrated into other software.

The last parts update was in Dec 2018. It may experience 6 months is a long time, just considering LEGO does not release new parts (new moulds, that is) every other week, I think it's pretty updated every bit it is. Yet, they mention on their site that modeling new parts is a hard process, and since they work with volunteers, it may take a while for a certain function to be released.

LeoCAD – LDCad – Bricksmith

Depending on your reckoner, y'all may choose to use the LDraw Parts Library with any of these programs. LDCad is Windows based, Bricksmith is Mac based, and LeoCAD can be used on both. LDCad and LeoCAD tin also be used with Linux operating systems.

Considering they are 3D software, all of them run smoothly, even on an one-time reckoner like mine. Having used 3D software before, as well as a few virtual designers, I think this is really important. If yous have a computer with the latest technology, yous may not notice it, only if you accept been using the same computer for the last few years, information technology makes a huge divergence.

Even if y'all're familiar with another LEGO design software, you need a little time to accommodate to a new 1. While some commands are similar and be in all programs, such as zoom, pan and rotate the workspace, their shortcuts may differ from ane to the other, every bit may the overall interface.

The User Interface and Overall Accessibility

The on-screen graphics look like the images from the instruction booklets. This makes all three programs run faster and more smoothly. Equally for the user interface, I constitute LeoCAD to be the best of all 3. The interface of Bricksmith and LDCad takes a little time to adjust to.

lego design software leocad

LeoCAD Interface

These three have many things in common, starting with their part library. Each of them lets you choose the color you lot desire to utilize with whichever role you're using, regardless of the fact it exists in physical course or non. In my stance, this is both good and bad. It's adept, because it unlimits your model even further. It'due south bad, because if you want to turn your digital model into a physical one, you may realize some of the parts don't exist in that particular color.

lego design software bricksmith

Bricksmith Interface

In Bricksmith, the parts library isn't displayed also as in LeoCAD and LDCad. You see the epitome of the role only after y'all click on its name, which makes it impossible to browse as rapidly as the other software. LDCad, on the other hand, is probably the best of all 3 in this matter. The bricks are categorized, and once you click on a category, all the bricks under that category are displayed with images. Of course if yous're searching for a specific part, you can just write the name in the search bar and it will appear.

LDCad Interface with a sample model

All 3 programs let y'all view the steps one by i. LeoCAD also allows you to export each stride as a separate paradigm, as well as rendering the whole model.

If you desire to create digital models, either small or large, all three provide a huge library and the chance to use most of the official LEGO colors – whether the physical form of that color exists in a specific part or not. If I had to pick i, though, I'd pick LeoCAD. The interface is easier to become used to, so is browsing through the library.

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Of all the LEGO design software I looked at today, Studio is the most extensive ane in terms of features. The parts library would probably exist caput-to-head with LDD, though Studio is updated regularly.

Having a direct connection to Bricklink is a huge plus. Information technology allows you upload to your Bricklink wanted list as well as showing you the price of a certain part within the program. The colors you can use in your builds are those that simply exist in concrete form, which, similar I said before, can be both an reward and a disadvantage.

lego design software studio

Studio Interface

If y'all're familiar with the Bricklink categories, you lot won't have whatever trouble finding what you lot're looking for, since Studio has the same categories for parts. Additionally, in that location is a "Shapes" option for browsing, with a different categorization. And like all the other above mentioned software, it has a search option.

There are three interesting features that I'd like to mention, which separates Studio from the others.

Build Together: This lets you lot work on the same projection with others by either hosting or joining an already existing host.

Model Info: This provides a list of parts used on your model, forth with quantity, unit of measurement price, and total toll. It also provides concrete information, like the dimensions of the model in studs, centimeters and inches, too as its weight.

Part Designer: This is a split software designed to create new parts or modify existing parts. You can create non-existing bricks and design your own minifigures from scratch. Then you lot tin export what you lot created direct into Studio and use information technology in your model.

Part Designer Interface with a non-existing role

Now for the previous LEGO design software, I talked nigh how fast they run. Studio is somewhere in the middle. It's not as fast every bit the programs that utilize the LDraw library, but it doesn't have a long waiting fourth dimension for the parts to load like LDD, either. Considering the features it has, I recall it's acceptable.

Another affair that surprised me in Studio was the rendering. I have to admit, I was expecting a elementary image when I clicked render. What I got was a photograph-realistic prototype.


If yous follow our blog regularly, you know that I've already talked about Mecabricks in some of my previous articles, and used information technology to create some custom characters. I won't deny that I favor information technology, but I'll try to be as objective as possible when comparing information technology with the other software.

There are two master reasons why Mecabricks is my all time favorite. I, it's mobile. While the other programs are great, you need a computer to install them, along with sure hardware requirements, no matter how small. Mecabricks, on the other hand, can run anywhere that has a web browser, even on your telephone. Ok, it is a bit harder to use on a mobile phone, but I have used it on my tablet and information technology runs as smoothly as it would on a computer.

"… it's the only manner to blueprint LEGO while you pretend to listen to that PowerPoint presentation."

If this doesn't movement information technology upwards the list, I don't know what would đŸ™‚

Mecabricks Interface

The 2d reason is its rendering capabilities. Equally an apprentice lensman with not plenty space to build my own LEGO urban center, the thought of doing information technology virtually and the ability to render it and then information technology looks like a real photograph is more than highly-seasoned to me. If you have a history in rendering, you'll find that Mecabricks offers pretty much everything the large-proper name programs offering. If non, don't worry, considering there are diverse presets which let you render in unlike calorie-free conditions.

The parts library in Mecabricks is really big, and includes some of the newest moulds LEGO has released. You can notice many printed parts for minifigures, too, and besprinkle them around your builds. Equally for the user interface, it'south easy to become used to after a few tries.

My rendering skills are a fleck rusty, and then I borrowed an paradigm from the programmer'sFlickr page

A Quick Summary

So here are the software mentioned in comparison with each other.

Proper noun

Operating System


Ease of Use

File Types


Steps / Instructions

Free to utilise


Windows /


Very skilful




Windows /
Mac / Linux

Very good

Very good




Windows /

Very proficient






Very good





Windows /







Very good



Very good

Which is the best LEGO design software?

In that location isn't ane. Okay, that sounded better in my caput. What I'1000 trying to say is, at that place isn't simply one. Depending on what you lot want to do, the reply to that question changes.

If you desire to go wild and design without caring whether you want to build it in existent life or not, I'd go with LeoCAD.

If you only desire to design with existing bricks, and social club them easily as before long every bit your model is finished, Studio is the right fit for you.

If you want to create life-similar renders, or be able to blueprint wherever you are, Mecabricks is the best option.

After spending two days exploring these programs, I can't help but think what it would be similar to have all these brilliant minds come together and create a program which offers everything they offer individually. I know, I know, it's wishful thinking, but hey, anything is possible when it comes to LEGO, correct?

So, tell me, is at that place one yous favor among these? Or practise you use a completely unlike program? Permit me know in the comments!

Disclaimer: I haven't built any models with any of the software mentioned hither. I just installed them, took a quick wait around, and shared my opinions. My apologies to the developers of each software in advance if whatsoever of the information I gave hither is wrong or misleading. I also would similar to add together that not all the features of each programme are mentioned here.

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