How Did Felicity Get Paralyzed Again

The CW'due south Arrow this calendar week offered a tale of ii Felicitys equally she who typically watches over the field team came to terms with her new "ringside seat" to the residuum of her life. Would she be able to rise to the occasion when some nasty A.R.G.U.Due south. business darkened the Diggles' doorstep?

Though in Oliver'due south visitor Felicity did her best to put on a dauntless face — (unsuccessfully) lobbying for a "Hot Wheels" code name — she couldn't help but question her immediate value to Team Arrow. "What I do bring to the squad is my mind," she agreed, "and there's a lot on it."

Indeed, one time lone and cycling through her painkillers, Felicity is visited by her younger, Goth self, an uninvited invitee to her "pity political party." "Y'all used to exist me — a stiff, confident brunette," the hallucination taunted. "But you wasted it all away to play superhero."

Despite wanting to eventually ease back into her office running comms and such, Felicity is sought to offer ASAP cyber-assistance when Oliver, Diggle et al storm a free port being used by the A.R.G.U.S.-hating Shadowspire organization. Alas, with her Goth cocky looming large and offering the precise contrary of moral support, that dry run almost goes terribly sideways when Felicity accidentally entraps Oliver, leaving Diggle briefly captured.

Later at the loft, Felicity expresses to Oliver her sense of guilt, as much equally he tries to dismiss information technology. Afterwards all, he knows he pushed her to get involved when she was signaling she was not set. Only volition she ever be prepare enough for and then intense a duty? "At that place is no going back to normal," Felicity fears. "I can no longer be a part of the team… [because] I can't practice the one thing I'grand supposed to be able to exercise." When Oliver attempts to console his distraught love, GothFelicity pesters and pesters, to the point that the blonde snaps, seemingly ordering Oliver away.

Working out some of his frustration by sparring with Laurel, Oliver also shares his worry that Felicity's setback is payback for when Barry Allen/The Wink tinkered with the timeline during their crossover confront-off with Vandal Savage. Felicity meanwhile spars with her Goth cocky, enervating: "What do y'all want to tell me?!" The hallucination reminds that when swain Cooper "died," Felicity resigned herself to "never rely on anyone else ever again," that it was her "confronting the world." Instead, she wound upward playing superhero — "and wait what it got you lot, arrow-oliver-felicity-wheelchaira ringside seat to the rest of your life.

"Y'all thought y'all were such a badass," the brunette scoffs every bit a terminal jab.

Just for all Goth-licity'southward rudeness, she roused something in her older self, who later puts in an appearance at the lair (lack of ramps exist damned). She admits to Oliver that she had been mired in pity, until she realized that her younger self was too angry to ever help people. But now, in this phase of her life, she is not. Nor should anyone let the paralysis keep them down. "I'm here to tell you information technology wasn't your fault, or mine," Felicity assures Oliver. Instead, the sole arraign falls on "i man with an extremely on-the-nose, alliterative name, who we are going to end — because it's what nosotros do, information technology'due south who we are."

At episode'due south end, Felicity shows to Oliver —and then symbolically torches — a photo of that "rebellious brunette hacker who didn't listen anyone'south rules but her own." Oliver then shares his own measured hope for the futurity, convincingly noting, "I've seen people speed and shrink and fly, come up dorsum from dead…. That is the world nosotros live in at present. Then I will not stop searching it until we find abroad to make you walk once again."

Offer a framing devicearrow-season-4-photos (17) for Felicity's struggle was the bump-off of one of Lyla'south A.R.K.U.South. onetime colleagues, which brought her, Dig and Amanda Waller head-to-head with Shadowspire. (In flashback, nosotros learned that during their Transitional islamic state of afghanistan bout together, Diggle and Andy were wooed past ER'due south Malucci to skim some off the top of a commandeered opium enshroud. We likewise encounter that Oliver's oneday isle nemesis Reiter is Malucci's superior.) Now,  Malucci is a Shadowspire lieutenant, and he wants Waller'south codes for something called Rubicon. When Waller makes clear that no threats to her team volition brand her break, Malucci offs the dominate lady herself, leaving Lyla in charge.

Getting air current of Shadowspire's infiltration, Diggle plots with Andy, who's being held at A.R.G.U.Due south. With assistance from Oliver, Laurel, Thea and a re-energized Felicity — lawmaking name OverWatch ("I idea almost Oracle, but it's taken," Oliver asides) — the Diggles and Lyla best Malucci and his men, then toast to the fallen Waller.As testament to how far the brothers' fractured relationship has come, Diggle invites Andy to crash with him and Lyla — and meet his niece Sara.

What did you call back of "A.Due west.O.L."?


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