How Much Can You Deposit at an Atm

  • #1
Just morbid cutiosity here, but I have a crapload of cash (approximately 45 notes) and a cheque to deposit, and alltogether, are pretty damn bulky. I'g wondering if there will be an issue if I put information technology all in i envelope, or if I should use two and make 2 seperate deposits?
Aug 31, 2001
  • #2
DUDE dont even think of depositing that at a ATM. go to the depository financial institution


Ambassador Emeritus<br>Aristocracy Member
  • #3
cash + ATM deposit = Bad Idea.


Moderator<br>Reckoner Help
  • #4
Originally posted by: Evadman
cash + ATM eolith = Bad Idea.
I agree, non a good idea, go to the banking company in person:Q


Super Moderator | Elite Member
  • #5
Don't use the envelope for cash. It's just a bad thought.
Aug 31, 2001
  • #6
the bank fifty-fifty fuks up also. i deposited a $1400 check and they put it in the incorrect account. took them 3 weeks to go it straightned out with me calling 2x a mean solar day bitching atthem. i had NO coin for 3 weeks. stupid bank
  • #7
Originally posted past: Evadman
cash + ATM deposit = Bad Idea.

No it isn't. Banks take redundant security in their counting rooms and every penny has to exist deemed for. Do you call up someone is going to just put a wad of cash in their pocket and walk out at the terminate of the day? Or that each deposit isn't going to exist checked confronting the deposit slip?


Super Moderator | Elite Member
  • #8
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
Originally posted by: Evadman
greenbacks + ATM deposit = Bad Idea.

No it isn't. Banks have redundant security in their counting rooms and every penny has to be accounted for. Do you think someone is going to just put a wad of cash in their pocket and walk out at the end of the mean solar day? Or that each deposit isn't going to exist checked against the deposit slip?
You must have missed the thread where the dude deposited 6, 100$ bills.. and concluded upward with +half dozen.00 dollars. :p
  • #nine
ATM envelope??? is that like an ATM frame??? I guess so - you can fit 53 bytes in an ATM frame/cell! :p

^but networking gurus will understand this one^

  • #10
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
Originally posted past: Evadman
cash + ATM deposit = Bad Idea.

No information technology isn't. Banks have redundant security in their counting rooms and every penny has to exist accounted for. Do you lot think someone is going to just put a wad of cash in their pocket and walk out at the end of the day? Or that each deposit isn't going to exist checked against the deposit slip?
I have been FVCKED before afterwards depositing greenbacks. I would never practise information technology over again. I lost 500 bucks.
  • #11
Originally posted by: WarmAndSCSI
ATM envelope??? is that similar an ATM frame??? I guess so - yous can fit 53 bytes in an ATM frame/jail cell! :p

^simply networking gurus will understand this one^

^and absolutely no i will detect it funny. Thanks, attempt once again.
Aug 31, 2001
  • #12
I've deposited over $6000 at 1 time.
  • #xiii
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
Originally posted past: Evadman
cash + ATM deposit = Bad Idea.

No it isn't. Banks accept redundant security in their counting rooms and every penny has to be deemed for. Do y'all recall someone is going to just put a wad of greenbacks in their pocket and walk out at the stop of the day? Or that each deposit isn't going to exist checked against the deposit skid?
actually no. I mean it'south not strictly a human mistake upshot (although that can be gene even if things are tripple checked). Last year I deposited a check @ a co-operative atm (~$400). I headed home, then realized I needed some groceries + cash and then I went to a closer co-operative and withred 400. Lo and behold, the amount was not correctly subrtracted from my account. I waited for months expecting some notificaiton of the mistake, but it never happened. Just got lucky I guess. Mind you, this is a rinky dink grocery store banking concern that only services my state, so their engineering science is perhaps sub par. The bespeak remains, cash is a risky thing to deposit in an atm. Stick to humans.
  • #xiv
Originally posted by: Evadman
greenbacks + ATM deposit = Bad Idea.
  • #xv
my ex-gfs mome worked at Bank of America, in the admin section. Always told me depositing cash is a no-no. Sometimes the people inputting the funds would but pocket the cash. Checks are safer cause yous could put your business relationship number and such on there.
  • #xvi
My commencement rule is always deposit cash seperate from checks. This is because the "funds availability" policy for checks allows the bank to hold the funds for 3-5 omnibus. days before releasing them. Cash is made available within 1 coach. twenty-four hour period.

My 2nd rule is to deposit any "questionable" checks seperate from "known good" checks. Much for the same funds availability reason. I'd detest for my paycheck to be delayed because I deposited it with a $5.00 bank check I got from selling some junk on eBay that bounced. It may not affair, only I don't risk it.

Golden Dominion-go a receipt, check it before y'all drive abroad, and agree onto it until your statement shows up.

I wouldn't worry about the greenbacks/ATM thing. The tellers yous trust at the window are the same ones that run the ATM deposits. It's non like some tertiary party gets their hands on the deposits earlier they go to the bank. If anything, information technology's probably less likely to get screwed upwards/stolen, since more than one bank employee will be present when they do the ATM deposits.

Feb 24, 2000
  • #17
First read this so wait until Mon to eolith the money inside a branch.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
  • #eighteen
Originally posted by: RossMAN
Showtime read this then wait until Monday to eolith the money inside a co-operative.

I couldn't find the thread.

  • #19
Originally posted past: RossMAN
First read this then wait until Monday to eolith the coin inside a branch.
I've too heard of planes crashing, simply I'k not going to drive a pinto cantankerous land just to avoid an extremely rare situation.

Personally, I've been with Wells Fargo for 4 and a half years and they have not one time fabricated a mistake with my money. The ONLY fault they accept always made, was chaning my routing number without telling me, which acquired my employer to cut me a live cheque instead of it going through direct deposit.

  • #20
Umm... that's total inconvience. What we're talking about here is depression price - loftier yeild risk management.
  • #21
Originally posted past: Thoreau
Originally posted by: RossMAN
First read this then wait until Mon to deposit the money inside a branch.
I've also heard of planes crashing, but I'yard not going to drive a pinto cross land only to avoid an extremely rare state of affairs.

Personally, I've been with Wells Fargo for 4 and a one-half years and they have not once made a mistake with my money. The ONLY mistake they have ever fabricated, was chaning my routing number without telling me, which acquired my employer to cut me a alive check instead of it going through straight deposit.

That's your determination dood and the chances of you getting screwed are slim, but it can happen. Plus, RossMAN works AT a bank. A banking company employee saying information technology's ameliorate to do it in person has to carry some sort of weight.
  • #22
Banks have redundant security in their counting rooms and every penny has to be accounted for.

twice the thieves to steal your money. one watches the other open the envelope. the other splits it evenly and replaces your benjamins with washingtons

  • #23
Originally posted by: TheEvil1
DUDE dont even think of depositing that at a ATM. get to the banking company
Simply practise several deposits. When y'all become to the ATM, the ATM will tell yous the limit to the number of notes that you can eolith per envelope. Just make... multiple transactions. Lots of deposits. With my banking company, I tin make a deposit and the money is instantly credited to my business relationship (the amount that I tell the ATM is in the envelope). Then, the side by side business day, the account eolith is edited to reflect the cheque's actual deposit amount. I don't ever screw with it, though. I don't want my depository financial institution charging me a "as well stupid to deposit the same corporeality as on the check fee."


Feb 24, 2000
  • #24
Originally posted by: Angrymarshmello
Originally posted by: Thoreau
Originally posted past: RossMAN
First read this then wait until Monday to deposit the money within a branch.
I've also heard of planes crashing, just I'm non going to drive a pinto cantankerous country just to avert an extremely rare situation.

Personally, I've been with Wells Fargo for 4 and a one-half years and they have not once made a error with my coin. The Only mistake they have always fabricated, was chaning my routing number without telling me, which caused my employer to cut me a live check instead of it going through direct eolith.

That'south your decision dood and the chances of you getting screwed are slim, but information technology can happen. Plus, RossMAN works AT a bank. A bank employee saying it'due south better to do it in person has to carry some sort of weight.
Thank you just my recommendation NOT to deposit cash into an ATM is not based on inside bank info. Really I've never heard of a customer losing cash deposited at ane of our ATM'south.

However I personally just call up information technology's a bad idea and also risky, then again I'm paranoid and then that has something to do with information technology as well.

Checks, money orders, and cashier'due south checks are all monetary instruments which can be traced ... greenbacks is currency, if your bank or the ATM guards lose that, you are FSCKERED!

  • #25
Originally posted by: Eli
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
Originally posted by: Evadman
cash + ATM deposit = Bad Idea.

No information technology isn't. Banks have redundant security in their counting rooms and every penny has to be deemed for. Exercise yous recollect someone is going to just put a wad of cash in their pocket and walk out at the end of the mean solar day? Or that each deposit isn't going to be checked confronting the deposit slip?
Yous must accept missed the thread where the dude deposited 6, 100$ bills.. and ended upwards with +half dozen.00 dollars. :p
Ah, I recall reading the thread. I personally deposit but checks/rebate checks at an atm.
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